
  • When you first open Ballot it will autoload to the Proposals page

  • On the top left menu, next to Ballot, you will see a drop down menu. From this menu you will be able to view two different kinds of booths: ship booths and group booths for any Urbit groups you have joined. Group booths you have membership in are at the top of the drop down menu in color, groups booths you haven't joined yet will be below and gray. You can click Join next to any group booth to join their Ballot.

  • When you hover over a group booth it will highlight larger than a ship booth.

Ship booth
Group booth
  • Next to the drop down menu you will see the Proposals, Delegation, and Settings pages.

  • From the Proposals page you will be able to create, edit, delete, and see all proposals and their statuses: Upcoming/Active/Ended.

  • You will also see a Participants section to the right of the page, this will show a list of all the ships that are in the booth.

  • In order to invite participants to your ship booth, click the Add participants button at the top right of the Participants box.

  • From this box you will also be able to kick a ship from your ship booth.

  • In order to add participants to a group booth, you must invite that ship to your group in Urbit, once joined, that participant will show up in the participant section.

  • From the Delegation page you will be able to delegate your vote to another ship in the booth.

  • From the Settings page you will be able to change permissions for ships in the booth, set proposal defaults, and add custom actions for your proposal.

  • Your sigil is located at the top right corner. Click that to change the theme from light to dark.

Last updated